Boomer Hot…Or Not? Nancy Pelosi Much Beloved by Californian’s

Nancy Pelosi is an attractive woman; when she’s quiet. Some intolerant people say the minute she opens her mouth, the illusion is gone. But, she is much beloved by Californian’s.

Nancy Pelosi Flys Like a Rap Star says DC_Steve

Nancy Pelosi Flys Like a Rap Star says Anonymous

We love her so much, we’re willing to sacrifice our children’s education for her. Lately we’ve had a little hiccup with our budget out here; but, it’s important Pelosi jet-sets around the country with the military as her private chauffeur service. So, we closed down several schools–we’ll figure out where to put the kids, maybe they can sit on each others laps in the classrooms.

You know how bonded people feel when they are all working together for a good cause.

I kind of feel sorry for Nancy, because she didn’t want those nasty recruiting offices in the Bay Area, and now, she has to have the military for her flyboys. They give her a hard time–they don’t always have the biggest jet available for her or four other jets for her friends to visit others.

Sometimes, things come up at the last minute and she has to wait for take-off while they clean and get the bar stocked. Why don’t they just keep it stocked for her? This may be the only time she gets to relax. Or, the military doesn’t have one available for her at all.

Now, why would they do this to poor Nancy? She works hard for our country.

CIA Lies to Only to Her

The CIA lied to her about water boarding. This upset Nancy. Our Marine’s need to get water boarded, it prepares them. But, you know, those guys who are fighting the good cause to get us to give up our arrogance and get back down to earth–they should not be subjected to it.

They are misunderstood, we need to give them a break.

Now she has to go out of the country all the time so she can get some work done and not have to go over the ‘same old stuff’ over and over again about that darned CIA pulling her leg. Otherwise, the presstitutes, I mean…the journalists or reporters might keep talking about her or she may have to go through a bothersome investigation.

She was right to leave, because the press has forgotten all about it. So has Obama and the others who opened this investigation, initially.

Even with all this on her plate, the cap and trade vote was important enough for her to get back from China. And, don’t even criticize her for not reading the bill she signed. Maybe she left her eye glasses on the plane. Plus, you know, she was leaving for vacation–sometimes, you just have to think fast and cut out what you can so you can get ready.

Oh dear…she almost got held up for her vacation. Poor thing. I hope she didn’t get stressed out. But, her good friends hurried up the crap charade and got it taken care of fastidiously.

Can’t Vote Pelosi Boomer Hot

Now, while CoCo, Five and I normally love jet-setters, we can’t vote poor old Nance Boomer Hot because we’re jealous. Why didn’t we think of becoming a politician to serve ourselves? I would love to have my own flyboys.

Chanel Wants to Work for The Man

Maybe I will go to work for The Man, great perks; I can give my honey all the government contracts his company can handle, my dad, too–oh, and my son’s business as well. They deserve it.

No one out here cares who we give our contracts, too. The press doesn’t find it important to write about; after all, we might miss something that Posh, Beck, Katie, Tom, Will and Jada may be doing.

Why Coco and Five, we could finally take our whole family on the private jet vacation we’ve always dreamed of! Maybe Nancy will mentor us and hand us the torch when she needs to take it easy.

We Californians don’t care how she spends our money–we love her, she’s been in office since 1987. Cuz you know, after all, the Queen knows how to spend our money better than we do. I think not only should we give her another term–after all there’s still more tax dollars we should give up, but we should give her another raise, too.

And, make those flyboys move the jet closer to her home, she’s tired when she gets home. After all, there is an airport near her week end home in Napa–they could make a little roadway to accommodate the jets.

I found some comments from some mean spirited people. Why would they talk like that about our poor Nancy?

What Other’s are Saying

Comments from NBC beta Washington News

Ed_DC said: Cost of one Gulfstream 5–$48 million It consumes roughly 450 gallons of fuel per hour of flight. Average price for a gallon of jet fuel–$4.50. That’s $2025 per hour of flight FOR FUEL ALONE. 4.5 hours from DC to California–$9100 in fuel. Not to mention the salaries/benefits for the crew, engine/airframe maintenance ($100,000 to replace/overhaul each engine after 2000 or so flight hours). For a good guess, each of her trips across the country costs the taxpayer a minimum of $30,000. I guess that while we are all being forced to get by with less, apparently those in charge of our tax dollars feel that they are above that.

Dr. Steve said: I think Nancy Pelosi in her interest in improving Air Quality should limit herself to “solar powered airplanes” and only fly at night.

Wall Street Journal looked at 60,000 reports and said $13 million was spent in 2008 for trips to the Virgin Islands, Great Barrier Reef, The Galapagos Islands, to name a few.

In February, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi led a delegation of Democratic lawmakers to visit U.S. troops in Afghanistan for a day. Before landing in Kabul, the eight lawmakers and their entourage of spouses and aides spent eight days in Italy, spending $57,697 on hotels and meals.

She Gets a Vote for Second Best…

While she doesn’t get my vote for Boomer Hot, she does get my vote for second Best Boomer Spender of OPM (other people’s money).

Here’s a tip for Nancy, so she won’t have to be subjected to the mean military guys. She can stay home and get more rest. She can get her work done and maybe have time to read those 800 page add-ons Waxman likes to write during his manic night’s and casually drop into the bill the day of the signing it into effect.

Maybe, she would even have time read the initial part of those boring old bills.

Hey Nancy, here’s one word for you: SKYPE!

Share it with your cronies.

TTFN, Chanel Notes, Celebrity Blogger/Writer
Vote for Nancy now! Don’t wait til 2010.